Safe Bedroom
Residential and Workplace security and safety solutions in Austin, Dallas, Houson, San Antonio.


Workplace/Office Safety Against Intruder or Active Shooter.

Workplace/Office safety against intruder or active shooter has two components.

Physical Security.

That is very similar to your home and bedroom security and primarily consists of making your office into a panic-room-like place by securing your office doors and windows.

The most important aspect is securing entry door(s) as well as individual office doors.

Risk Assessment and Prevention.

Traditionally, workplace violence is often viewed as mainly the issue of robbery prevention, primarily within cash-based and extended-hours businesses.

However, as more people are unfortunately becoming more mentally unstable and vulnerable to extreme mental breakdowns (with unknown consequences), it becomes very prudent to design a plan that addresses additional risk factors and that apply to literally all businesses:

  • Vindictive and mentally unstable employees.
  • Vindictive and mentally unstable customers.
  • Angry relatives/exes of employees.
Besides safety, addressing these issues proactively will also improve your employees morale, improve employee productivity, decrease incidents of harassment, theft, and lawsuits.


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